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Free Email TutorialsFacebookAdd friends on Facebook (Send friend request)

Add friends on Facebook (Send friend request)

Add new Facebook friends by sending a friend request When you first sign up for a free Facebook account, you can add friends to your profile by supplying an email address and your email account credentials: Facebook will login to your account and import friends from your address book contacts. But, as you'll learn in this tutorial, it is also possible to add Facebook friends by sending a "friend request": these friend requests are special "internal" email messages you can send through Facebook, which other Facebook users can either accept or decline; when someone accepts your friend request, you will automatically become Facebook friends, and both your profiles will be updated accordingly. We will explain what happens on both sides when you send a friend request to another Facebook user.

Find and add new friends to your Facebook profile

Follow these steps to add a friend on Facebook:

This is all it takes to add friend on Facebook!

Tip: Another way to add a friend on Facebook

You can also add Facebook friends from the people search results page, as shown on the screenshot below. You will also see the "Add {Facebook user name} as a friend?" popup as described earlier, and the rest of the process is the same:

Add Facebook friends from the people search results page

Tip: if you change your mind a decide that you no longer want to be friends with someone, see how you can cancel a Facebook friend request in just a few clicks!

Facebook Tutorial Create a Facebook account Facebook Sign in Facebook Login Facebook Logout Add /change FB profile picture Hide /remove profile picture Add friends on Facebook Cancel a friend request Facebook Email Tutorials Facebook Email Tutorial Check email in Facebook Mail Reply to email in Facebook Mail Create email from Facebook Send email message from FB Forward emails from Facebook View sent FB email messages Hide Read email messages Delete email messages in FB Attach and send a video email Email pictures from Facebook Download Facebook email
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